Modern Foreign Languages Department

Dep MFL Spanish ALevel2

Welcome to the MFL Department

At Notre Dame High School, students study either French or Spanish from Year 7. All pupils continue with their study of MFL to GCSE. Students can then chose to continue their MFL studies at A-level.

Mrs Greenwood-Quy is Head of the Modern Foreign Languages Department. If you would like to contact Mrs Greenwood-Quy, you can do so via email:  

Teachers in the MFL Department

Mrs E Greenwood-Quy – French / Spanish (Head of Department) –

Mr M Barnes – French / Spanish –

Mr W Egurrola – Spanish / French –

Miss B Jimenez-Montes – Spanish / French –

Mrs Y Perez Lopez – Spanish / French –

Mr D Chambers – French / Spanish –

Mr L Mayo – French / Spanish –

Miss M Eddy – French / Spanish –

Years 7 and 8

In Key Stage 3 our students develop their knowledge and understanding of a foreign language and also their cultural awareness within the context of familiar topics. The foundations of the language, key vocabulary and grammar form an integral part of the learning experience in KS3.




Year 7

Talking about yourself

My school

Free time

My town


Talking about yourself

Free time

My school

My family and friends

My town

Year 8

TV, films and books

A trip to Paris

My friends / music / clothes

My house / food

·My talents / dreams and ambitions


TV, music, technology

Food and celebrations

Going out / making plans

Tourism / holiday homes

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Years 9, 10 and 11

Pupils study a three-year GCSE course (AQA) from Year 9:

Theme 1: Identity and culture

Topic 1: Me, my family and friends
Topic 2: Technology in everyday life
Topic 3: Free-time activities
Topic 4: Customs and festivals in French/Spanish-speaking countries/communities

Theme 2: Local, national, international and global areas of interest

Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Topic 2: Social issues
Topic 3: Global issues
Topic 4: Travel and tourism

Theme 3: Current and future study and employment

Topic 1: My studies
Topic 2: Life at school/college
Topic 3: Education post-16
Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions


All assessment is by final exam at the end of the course.

Listening exam 25%
Reading exam 25%
Speaking exam 25%
Writing exam 25%

MFL welcome web

A-Level (Years 12 and 13)

A-level courses for French and Spanish start with an introduction to bridging the gap from GCSE to A-level. Pupils study the full A Level (AQA) over two years. Pupils have 5 hours of teaching a week, split between two teachers, and they have an additional timetabled hour in a small group with the Foreign Language Assistant.

Dep MFL Spanish ALevel



Aspects of French-speaking society: current trends

The changing nature of family

The ‘cyber-society’

The place of voluntary work

Artistic culture in the French-speaking world

A culture proud of its heritage

Contemporary francophone music

Cinema: the 7th art form

Aspects of French-speaking society: current issues

Positive features of a diverse society

Life for the marginalised

How criminals are treated

Aspects of political life in the French-speaking world

Teenagers, the right to vote and political commitment

Demonstrations, strikes – who holds the power?

Politics and immigration

Two books / a book and a film

Individual Research Project

Aspects of Hispanic Society

Modern and traditional values


Equal rights

Multiculturalism in Hispanic society




Artistic culture in the Hispanic world

Modern day idols

Spanish regional identity

Cultural heritage

Aspects of political life in the Hispanic world

Today’s youth, tomorrow’s citizens

Monarchies and dictatorships

Popular movements

Two books / a book and a film

Individual Research Project

How you can help your child in French or Spanish

Regular learning of key vocabulary is essential to ensure good progress in learning a language. You can support your child by encouraging them to read and review notes in their exercise book and their vocabulary book. It would be beneficial to have a French or Spanish dictionary at home as a learning resource. There are online resources to support the course. Teachers will direct students to recommended websites which will be noted in journals. Resources are also posted on Moodle, Notre Dame’s virtual learning platform. You can encourage to child to listen to music and watch films in the target language. MFL films can often be found on Netflix.


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