Holocaust Memorial Day

Yesterday, the 27th  our school community came together to commemorate Holocaust Memorial Day.  This is a time to remember, reflect, pray, and bear witness to the atrocities of genocide.  We honoured the survivors, paid tribute to the millions who suffered unimaginable loss, and renewed our commitment to ensuring such tragedies are never repeated.

Our Year 9 students attended the SHOAH Memorial Service, where they were deeply moved by the powerful reflections shared by Mr. Scriven and Mr. Pickup.  The service featured two poignant video presentations: one documenting the England football team’s visit to Auschwitz and another moving excerpt from Schindler’s List.  We also listened to an emotional reading of an extract from Anne Frank’s diary by Mr. O’Farrell, and a student gave a heartfelt reading of The Butterfly, a poem written by Pavel Friedman, aged 11, during his time in Theresienstadt Camp on 4th June 1942.

As part of the service, candles were lit to symbolise remembrance and hope.  The first six candles represented the six million Jewish lives lost during the Holocaust.  The seventh and eighth candles honoured the Gentiles who courageously risked their lives to protect their Jewish neighbours. Finally, the ninth candle symbolised hope, the hope that the devastation of the Holocaust will never be repeated.

God bless.
