For up to date timetable information please click to visit the Travel South Yorkshire website
Notre Dame High School has a very wide catchment area drawing on all parts of the city and beyond. Please note that this is a public bus service, not a Notre Dame service. We do work very closely with the companies that run the services to deal with transport issues. Please open the attachments at the bottom of the page to see details of bus services for September 2021.
Zoom Under 16 Travel Pass
To apply for a pass please collect an application form from the Travel Information Centre in Sheffield Interchange or download it from: www.travelsouthyorkshire.com/megatravelpass/
16-18 Student Pass
To apply for a pass pick up an application form from the Travel Information Centre in Sheffield Interchange or download it at:https://travelsouthyorkshire.com/en-gb/ticketsandpasses/16-18-passes
Zero Fare Pass
Further information can be obtained from the Childrens, Young Peoples and Families Service of Sheffield City Council on telephone 0114 273 5831 or from the Sheffield City Council Home to School Transport Policy which can be found at the following website: https://www.sheffield.gov.uk/home/travel-transport/zero-fare-travel
Travel South Yorkshire’s New Website Onboard click here.
For your Bus Enquiry to Notre Dame please click here
1. What happens if the bus does not arrive?
In the event of any problems, please contact Mrs Vivian on 07585512741 who would have the most up to date information.
2. What happens if it snows?
If there is extreme weather before school. Start to check the school website for information about school opening times. This information will also be shared with local radio stations where appropriate announcements will be made. If there is extreme weather during the day, please ensure you have completed the page in your child’s journal/planner instructing the school on what arrangements you would like for your child. If any decisions are made regarding early closure etc, we will contact you via our text messaging service.
3. What if my child loses something on the bus?
Please contact the bus company – lost property section.
4. What happens if my child misbehaves on the bus?
We monitor journeys through the use of CCTV. The bus providers take any behaviour seriouslyand school supports them on this. Any pupil that causes damage to the buses, bus stops or shelters and / or does not meet the required standard of behaviour on the bus could :
– Have their pass withdrawn.
– Be banned from the bus.
– Be prosecuted by the Police.
– Be required to pay for any damage they have caused.