Make sure your child has the full and correct school uniform from the very first day. Consider ordering from Price & Buckland in good time and looking for the correct style shoes (please see the attachment for photos of correct ctyle shoes), suitable bag (please see the attachment below for photos of suitable bags) and coat before the final rush back to school begins which can often limit choice and be disappointing. Make sure you child has a proper water proof coat and bag, the autumn weather won’t be far off. We do not allow children to wear ‘fashion jackets’ coats with large logos and bags must also be water proof without large logos and ideally a rucsac design- not small ‘fashion bags’ they must be big enough to hold A4 folders. Please have a look at our full uniform policy, which is available by clicking on the link below.
You can register an online account to view and purchase uniform here – Price & Buckland
Our new PE kit (from September 2024) can be purchased from here – Logo Leisurewear
Uniform Returns
To help parents during these difficult times, we are offering free returns on all orders. Please return your order within 14 days and use this link to return any items.
Pre-loved Uniform
We have a selection of pre-loved uniform available for sale which can be ordered through the MCAS Marketplace. Click here for a guide on how to browse and purchase pre-loved uniform.
Do I have to buy all the uniform from Price and Buckland?
Any items with the school logo, for example the Polo Shirt and Jumper MUST be purchased from Price and Buckland. In addition the skirts MUST also be purchased from Price and Buckland. Other items should be purchased in the style of Price and Buckland and in keeping with the Uniform Policy.
Does my child need to wear a coat?
A warm waterproof coat is required throughout the year with the exception of the Summer term when all students should bring a waterproof, if not bringing a coat.
What length should my daughter’s skirt be?
The skirt must be a maximum of 2″ from the middle of the knee.
What should I do if there is ever an occasion when I have to send my child to school not in full and correct uniform?
Please write an explanation in the Journal. We have our Uniform Lending Service to help at such times.
What type of bag can my child use for school?
The bag must be either purchased from Price and Buckland or in the style of Price and Buckland; that is a rucksack or messenger bag.
Can my child wear jewellery?
No jewellery may be worn with the exception of one pair of small stud earrings and a religious medal or cross and chain worn under the shirt.
Does my child need a jumper every day?
All students must bring a jumper to school every day. If the weather is warm, students are allowed to remove their jumper. However a jumper must be worn for all more formal events including Assembly at the discretion of staff. A jumper must always be worn under a coat.
You can find our full school uniform policy on our policies page.