
Our Mission: Sharing the Love and Goodness of God with Everyone

Our mission statement is central to everything we do at Notre Dame. It is built around the principle of love and was inspired by the following Bible quote:

‘If you have love for one another, then everyone will know that you’re my disciples’ (John 13:35).

At Notre Dame we aim to show this unconditional love to everyone involved in school so that we can build a caring community where students, staff, parents and visitors can feel safe, valued and supported. In turn we hope that this love will then spread to our wider community.

Our mission statement outlines the 4 main aims of the school that we try to achieve in various ways. These are:

  1. To promote the Gospel values through liturgical and other curricular experiences.
  2. To build a caring community.
  3. To enable all members of the school community to realise their potential.
  4. To develop links between Schools, the Parish, the Home and the local wider community.


The Hallmarks of Notre Dame describe the essential characteristics, values and activities of the Notre Dame learning community which emerged in response to the question “What makes our school a Notre Dame school?” By exploring this question, 7 ‘living statements’ were developed to challenge schools to reflect on what they do and judge if they were being faithful to the spirituality and mission of the Sisters of Notre Dame de Namur. It is our duty as a Notre Dame community to embrace and live out these hallmarks in order to build stronger relationships with each other and with God.


1. We proclaim by our lives even more than by our words that God is good
2. We honour the dignity and sacredness of each person
3. We educate for and on behalf of justice and peace in the world
4. We commit ourselves to community service
5. We embrace the gift of diversity
6. We create community among those with whom we work and with those we serve
7. We develop holistic learning communities which educate for life

Section 48 Report

In order to view Notre Dame’s latest Section 48 report, please visit the the ‘About our school’ page by clicking here