My name is Suzanne and I am the Chaplaincy Co-coordinator.
What is a chaplain?
My friend once asked me to describe my job and after much difficulty in trying to explain my role in detail, he said ‘Ahhhhh, so you are the spiritual heartbeat of the school’.
Well, I am here to support everyone in the school community, no matter what your faith, to accompany you on your journey of faith and as part of this to get you involved in the planning, leading and delivery of chaplaincy in the school. Don’t get me wrong. I am not perfect. God did not look at my outward appearances when He called me, He looked upon my spiritual heart. As a chaplain I am called to be here for you in school in three ways. I have a priestly role, a pastoral role and a prophetic role. Let me explain what each role entails.
Priestly Role (liturgy and worship)
- Co-ordinate services and liturgies
- Ensure the Sacraments are celebrated
- Co-ordinate prayer and the student chaplaincy group
- Foster links with the parish and community
Prophetic Role (mission)
- Role model of prayer and spirituality
- Speak out and challenge others
- Preach in word, thought and deed to all
- Bring the message of love to all
Pastoral (support)
- Be a ‘friend’ to those in need of help and support
- Be someone you can talk to
- Listen to everyone
- Support the bereaved
- Love everyone
Directions to my room:
My room is situated on the Maths corridor, next to room 201, and up the small set of stairs.
My telephone number is (0114) 2302536, extension 242
My email address is