32 schools across England have been selected to lead a Maths Hub in a region aimed at raising standards in mathematics. Notre Dame High School, Sheffield is honoured to have been selected as one of them and will lead the development in South Yorkshire. The project will be led by Pete Sides who was head of Maths at Notre Dame High School for 16 years and more recently a Maths consultant SLE (Specialist Leader of Education). Notre Dame will be working with a range of partners including other Teaching Schools, successful schools and partner organisations from academia and industry.
“We see improvements in maths teaching as a huge challenge to ensure our education system rivals the best in the world and our economy is strong for the future. Our role will be to learn from the best systems across the world and at home, connecting together the systems that are already available to schools and commissioning new support to ensure all schools can locally access the guidance they need to improve maths teaching and tackle the challenges of a more demanding GCSE and more children studying maths post 16. Much of our initial work will be focussed on the primary school sector and we will be engaged in an exchange of teachers from China. This is not about overnight fixes or putting sticking plasters over problems but a structural reform of maths teaching.”
There will also be a focus on developing the teacher profession as one that includes research as an integral part of the role. At Notre Dame the Maths department will continue to lead the way with innovative teaching & learning strategies that will not only benefit our own students but help to develop the educational experiences of students across the region.