[The Admissions Policy Consultation is now closed – any changes to our Admissions Policy will be updated in due course]
Lower School
We are consulting on our planned admissions arrangements for pupils applying for places in the academic year beginning September 2026. The consultation will run for 6 weeks from 1st October 2024 to 12th November 2024.
This consultation is taking place in line with the requirement to consult on admissions arrangements every seven years. We also have the following proposed changes to our arrangements:
The Admission authority would like to give priority in their oversubscription criteria to children of staff in the following circumstances:
- Where the member of staff has been employed at the school for two or more years at the time at which the application for admission to the school is made.
This priority will be applied at the top of each category within the Admissions Policy.
A copy of our draft admissions arrangements can be found here Admissions – Notre Dame High School (notredame-high.co.uk)
We welcome your views on our proposed arrangements. We will also be happy to answer any questions that you may have. You can share your views or questions by contacting Mrs S Giles, sgiles@notredame-high.co.uk
Please ensure that if you want to share your views you do so by Tue 12th November 2024. After this date we will share all views with our Local Academy Committee to inform their decision on our admission arrangements. Arrangements will be published by 15th March 2025.
Sixth Form
There are no proposed changes to our current admission arrangements.