On the enrichment day last week, the Y9 retreat and the Y11 retreats were held in classrooms in school.
Each workshop was led by a member of teaching staff.
Students attended 4 different workshops throughout the day; Y9 workshops: ‘What makes you unique’, ‘What do we have in common’, ‘Why should we celebrate Diversity?’ and ‘Offertory preparation for Mass’.
Y11 workshops: ‘Guided meditation’, ‘Speed chatting’, ‘Mindfulness’ and ‘Offertory preparation for Mass’.
The day went really well and students appreciated time to be able to stop, have some space, some time for prayer and have some fun.
To close, Mass was celebrated for Y9 and Y11 at the same time but in 2 different venues.
For Y9, there was an African style Mass in school, celebrated by Fr Michael, parish priest at Sacred Heart church, Hillsborough.
For Y11, Mass was celebrated in St John’s church by Fr. Lee Marshall, priest assigned to the Sheffield University hub.
There was a sense of reverence and joy as each of the Masses were celebrated at the end of the day. The Masses brought together students and staff in a moment of unity and reflection. There were drums, hymns, guitar, prayers and uplifting words from Fr Michael and Fr Lee.
The Masses were a reminder of the shared values and ethos that hold our school together.