Disruption Caused by Adverse Weather

Further to previous messages please be aware of the potential of disruption to the school day due to snow/adverse weather.

  • Information about if school is open or closed will be on the website by 07.00. Text message alerts will also be sent
  • If school buses are running then school is open as normal although there may be a delayed start.
  • If the bus companies tell us that the buses are not running then school will be closed. Students can attend school if they wish but this will be for supervised study only not their normal timetabled lessons. Students would need to bring a packed lunch. Remote learning will be set for all students on Satchel One.
  • If the weather situation becomes concerning during a school day, we will keep in contact with the bus companies throughout the day. If the afternoon buses are running as normal then school will remain open until 15.35
  • Based on advice from the bus company, we may make the decision for an early closure to the school day. It is vital that you have read and signed page 30 of your child’s journal to inform us of your wishes for your child in the event of an early school closure.
  • Please be aware that if you are concerned about local conditions in your area that you take the decision that you feel is the safest one for your child.
  • We will not release students during the school day unless an appropriate adult is able to collect them from school. Please do not ring us asking for us to send your child home unescorted in adverse weather as permission for this will not be granted.

Mr Scriven

Designated Safeguarding Lead