Performing Arts Department

dep per artThe Performing Arts Department offers courses in Drama and Music, for GCSE and A-Level.


Drama at Key Stage 3

In Y7 students take drama as part of a carousel in their Technology block to give them an introduction. In Y8 students receive a dedicated hour a week to help prepare them for GCSE. Over the course of the year we cover script, improvisation, storytelling and theme based drama. Lessons are highly practical in nature and build an understanding of key concepts and skills. This is supported by a booklet to help students reflect on their work and become familiar with key terminology and skills of analysis and evaluation.

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 GCSE and A-level Drama

Drama is offered at GCSE in the Long Thin option block. This is thought to best support the slow and steady nature of skills based learning. Students follow the Eduqas exam board. At A-level students follow the AQA specification and while study at GCSE is desirable it is not essential. We ask that students have an interest in performance. For more detailed information about GCSE and A-level Drama courses please click on the PDF links below.

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Extra-curricular Drama and Dance Opportunities

In addition to curriculum studies there are a broad range of extra-curricular opportunities for students to get involved in in school. Each year there is a whole school production at Christmas (often a musical) and in the June a Showcase of drama, dance and music that emerges out of lunchtime and after school clubs. Miss Wildes currently runs a very popular dance clubs from Y7-Y11 and there are frequent trips to theatre for GCSE and A-level students. In July we offer a residential Performing Arts trip to London where students have seen a range of West End Musicals, attended workshops and been on tours of key places of interest (e.g. National Theatre).

Here are a few pictures from our annual Drama productions.

How you can help your child in Drama:

Take an interest in their work, encourage them to get involved in extra-curricular clubs and productions and drama clubs outside school to support their studies. Encourage them to see live work either as part of school trips or otherwise. At GCSE and A-level it can be helpful if you engage with the relevant specifications.

Click on the links below for further information:







GCSE Music

Y9 Music GCSE starts with introductions to the course, Ground Bass project, Compound time project and a solo performance. To find out more about GCSE Music please click on the PDF below.

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How you can help your child in Music:
Please encourage your son/daughter to practice their instrument at home; listen to all types of music and generally be enthusiastic about their musical interests.

Notre Dame has a very active music department. Here are a few images of our performances (click to enlarge):

Click on the links below for further information:  

Music A Level



look forward web

Drama: Ms E Carrigan –
Music: Mr A Ward –